Tuesday, March 13, 2007

A Final Note

I thought that I would make a final post on the blog at the end of class. I have to say that I learned a lot during the class. I really enjoyed the movie maker part of the class, although I did run into many snags on the final video, mainly with music licensing issues.

I feel sure that I will continue to use my new found skills in the years to come in both my teaching career and at home.

I hope that everyone in the class has a good spring break and much success in future classes at OSU.


Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Week 9 Blog>>>Changes in understanding/Skill Level

I had used Photoshop a little bit before the class, so I thought it would be a piece of cake to use. I had no idea of all you could do with it. I have used it several times to edit pictures for my own use since the beginning of class and I have some of my students using it too. Of course they seem to know how to use it from the beginning. I don't have the same learning curve as the students when it comes to these things.

I have had a good deal of experience with Publisher, but Movie Maker was a new experience all together. I am still working on my final video. I have changed my mind too many times, and now it is getting down to the wire.

With the new found knowledge of these products, I can see many more uses for them. I have a much greater knowledge of where to look for ideas, pictures, files, software and other items needed to produce a quality photo, movie, or newsletter.

I posted on Jon's Blog.

Friday, February 23, 2007

A very late Blog #3 using image editing professionally

I personally do not have any aspirations to use Photoshop professionally, but I have seen some work done by professional photographers that is really outstanding.
My daughter had her senior pics done by a pro that uses a digital camera and Photoshop to create some stunning results. He was able to retouch the pictures that could not have been done several years ago.

Another way to use Photoshop is to resize pictures for the web. I might use that when putting together a brochure or a Powerpoint as well.

Like I said in the title, I was very late in getting this blog in, but better late than never.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Blogs that I have posted on......

I have posted on chevyluvs112 blog.

Week 8 Blog: Using Video Professionally

The video I produced will be used for training purposes in my networking class. Since I had my students contribute to the making of the video, I think it makes it more worth while to use in my class. This is the time of year when the students begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel and can use a change of pace. Each student enjoys a change of pace, and I will show the video to them and then we will have a 'contest' to see which one can successfully construct an ethernet cable in the shortest period of time. They do enjoy the competition. It is a good way to break up the day.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Week6, or 7 Post

I posted on Richard's blog.


Week 7 Blog, The making of a video

Well, another week of school closings and delays. Alot of snow, then alot of rain, then more snow and now it is 10 degrees. What a week. But at least I have completed my video.

It took a lot more work than I thougth. I didn't have access to a digital video camera, so I did it all with photos. That meant more Photoshop work so the whole project would be 100 MB or more.

My video is about how to construct an ethernet cable. It is somethingt that I teach each year to my students and to stand up in front a class and explain it is a whole lot easier than putting it into a movie!!! My morning students were the "hands" in the pictures and I must give them credit. They had fun and they did a great job. Their names are listed at the end of the video.

I estimate that I had about 10 hours into producing the movie. That is a long time for me to sit at the computer, although I did it in stages.

I used my Nikon D80 digital camera, a tripod, and the tools and equipment in my classroom.
For the actual production, I used Windows Movie Maker, some music that my daughter downloaded for me at iTunes and Photoshop to do the production.

I would be happier if we only had to do one of these, but I know there is another one to do.


Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Week 6 Blog Process of Creating a video

Since I am not a local resident, I am working by myself on my video. I have decided to do a video using my networking class. We are going to attempt to do a simple demonstration pertaining to the class, probably installing a personal computer or assembling an ethernet cable. The big problem I am running into is that we haven't had class since last Friday; (snow and sub zero temps). I am not sure if I am going to do the work with a video camera, or use digital pictures with narration. There are many things to consider, and it would be easier to work with a group, but I can not do that, so what you will see is what you will get.

I don't know when we will be back in the classroom, so I may have to totally change my plan of attack.
If I use digital pictures, I will be able to use Photoshop to adjust the pictures so that the video will be a more reasonable size. I think that I will go that route. I will also need some luck!!!!

I posted on jon's blog.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Blog #5 Graphic Design

Today, everything is being done via computer. Virtually every person is involved with computers in some way. Graphic design and page layout is how everything is presented on the computer.
Whether you are taking a class like the one we are in or selling something on Ebay, graphic design and page layout is involved. This blog is also a type of page layout and graphic design.

In the course I teach, everything we do is on a computer. If the design of the course is not easy to use and understand, it is very difficult for the students to learn. Today's youth is totally computer oriented, and anything that is properly graphicially designed, then the students will get more out of it.

Properly presented lessons make learning easier and more fun.

I commented on http://cindytaylor623.blogspot.com/
I also commented on http://edpaes623rt.blogspot.com/

Blog #4 Page layout and Newsletters

My Networking class recently hosted the sophomores in our school district, hoping to lure some of them to take our class next year. Each program in our school is also recruiting. My students thought it would be good if we could showcase our program. We decided on publishing a color brochure to give to the visitors. The students had some experience with Microsoft Publisher as had I. After some discussion, we came up with some ideas. They each took pictures of some of the projects we were working on, then we came up with a write up to add to it. When we put it all together, we showed it to our Director and he approved it, and also said that we should consider doing it for the other programs.

We added color pictures, articles on how our program certificate will help when they go on to college and a list of the schools that are affiliated with our school. I think the upcoming students were provided with enough information to keep them interested in our program.

Newsletters and brochures are a great way to sell a program or product. It is something that anyone can use in whatever career they choose.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Digital Photography Website

I recently purchased a new Nikon D80 SLR digital camera. I chose the Nikon because I already had lens for it that I use on my Nikon film camera. During my search, I ran across a website that has vast information about digital photography. The site is http://www.kenrockwell.com.

He discusses many aspects of digital photography and has good information whether it is for point and shoot digital cameras or slr's. Give it a look-see!!


Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Another Picture Added for Week 4

I just posted a photo of our 78 CJ-5 after a trip through a local mud bog. The Jeep is under reconstruction and I will post another picture of it soon. Hope you enjoy.

Well back to Photoshop project.


Friday, January 19, 2007

3 Weeks In!

Well, we all have made it thru 3 weeks of Photoshop and after viewing other students work and hearing their comments, I feel a little bit better about the class. I never have seen so many ways to do the same thing as can be done in Photoshop!!!

I am in class this morning with several empty seats. The cold and flu season is upon our school. It is supposed to snow some this weekend in Eastern Ohio, so maybe I will get some work done on my projects for 623. Have a good weekend.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

My First Picture to the Blog

My sons and I are all involved in our Jeep/Dodge habit. My father passed away in April of 2006. He was a truck driver his whole life, and my boys decided that they wanted to do a tribute build in memory of 'pap'. After several weeks of searching, we came across the Dodge truck in the picture. It was originally a dump truck, but when we purchased it in Central Pennsylvania, it had a flat bed on it. We bought the dump bed to install on the truck after we paint it. The picture was a Photoshop project for this class. It gives us an idea of how it will look. The truck will be painted white with black fenders, a paint scheme that my dad's trucks were many years ago.
Restoring old trucks is a great hobby, although it can get quite expensive. It also takes up a lot of room in the garage, but we are very lucky to have such a garage.
I hope to post other photos of some our projects very soon.

An Old Dog?

I am beginning to think that it is easier to restore an old truck than it is to work with Photoshop!!
Then again, maybe I am the old dog, you know too old to learn a new trick.
I did manage to accomplish one of the 3 assignments so far, and I may post the picture later, but the other 2 have been giving me fits! Layers, copy, cut, etc.... I am so confused...

More later.


Thursday, January 4, 2007

The First Blog

I am Mark Masters. I am a computer networking instructor at Swiss Hills Career Center in Woodsfield, Ohio. I am 'blogging' for the first time because it is part of a multimedia course I am taking at The Ohio State University as a part of my work toward a permanent teaching license.
I am in my 3rd year of teaching and my 30th year of computers. I started out my career with IBM, but unfortunately was terminated.

My real love is anything Mopar, especially trucks, and Jeeps.

If you don't know it now, you will know that I am a Mopar Person. I love all things Mopar; Dodge, Plymouth, Jeep, Chrysler. I will be posting pics of our fleet very soon.